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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2015-12-11  浏览次数:13526   状态:状态
展会日期 2016-07-01 至 2016-07-03
展出城市 北京
展出地址 北京市朝阳区北三环东路静安庄
展馆名称 中国国际展览中心
主办单位 中国副食流通协会
承办单位 中国副食流通协会进口食品推广委员会、北京恒辉国际展览有限公司
官方网站 http://www.ifsino.com
 2016中国(北京)国际进口食品博览会 IF China

China International import Food & Beverage Expo

201671-3   北京,中国国际展览中心(三元桥)
IF China 展览规模稳步扩大
• 全球领先的进口食品贸易盛会 IF China7月第六次在中国·北京举办!
• 展会为食品和饮料进出口商提供的专业平台.
中国国际进口食品及饮品博览会原中国国际进口食品博览会(英文简称:IF China),是由恒辉国际展览有限公司举办的顶级专业进口食品展会。已成功举办5届,每年定期在北京举办!

第六届中国国际进口食品及饮品博览会(IF China 2016),将于2016年7月1日至3日在北京中国国际展览中心举行。预计展出规模达35000平米,专业观众50000人次。IF China 2016将为广大观众提供一场食品和葡萄酒产品、传播创新理念和商谈契机的饕餮盛宴。在为期仅三天的商业展示中,来自食品和葡萄酒进口商和分销商;零售商;旅馆、餐馆、酒吧和机构大亨的广大专业观众与来自世界各地的顶级食品和葡萄酒制造商和贸易商将有一次独一无二的面对面交流契机。


IF China 上届信息——2015北京进口食品展数据

• 来自20个国家和地区的530家参展商
• 展览面积26,000平方米(比2014年增长36%
• 32,265名专业观众(51%来自北京周边;39%来自北京以外的中国地区以及10%来自海外。)

•甜食及休闲食品          •果汁及软饮料              •葡萄酒及烈酒、啤酒
•乳制品及牛奶            •橄榄油及食用油、肉制品    •冰激淋及设备
•冷冻及冷藏食品          •咖啡、蜂蜜及茶            •调味品及果酱
•烘焙及烘焙制品          •肉类、海鲜及水产品        •矿泉水、高端饮品
•巧克力、糖果点心和面包  •酒精饮料                  •意大利面/面制品
•保健及功能性食品        •干果及豆类制品            •设备、包装类及加工技术类;
如欲订“IF China 2016”展位和了解更多信息,请通过以下联络方式:
地 址:中国北京市朝阳区金鼎泰大厦305室
电 话:+86-10-8348-8560    传 真:+86-10-5851-4231
联系人:陈鹏 18301117220    E-mail: chenpeng18@126.com



China International import Food & Beverage Exhibition

July 1– 3 , 2016

China International Exhibition Center, Beijing(CIEC)



      China Non-staple Food Circulation Association

Beixing International Exhibition (Beijing) Co., Ltd.

Henghui International Exhibition Co., Ltd.


China General Chamber of Commerce

China Hotel Association


Beijing Henghui International Exhibition Co., Ltd.

       Official Website:

about IF China

China International import Food & Beverage Expo (IF China), co-hosted by Beijing Henghui International Exhibition Co., Ltd. and Beixing International Exhibition (Beijing) Co., Ltd., is the first professional exhibition on import food at home. It has been successfully held for several sessions at a regular time in Beijing yearly.

China, as a huge market with a population of 1.5 billion, has a strikingly large demand for import food.As is estimated by American Food Industry Association, sales volume of import food in China will rapidly increase by 15% every year and by 2018, China will have become the world’s largest import food consumer. Then, sales of import food will reach up to 480 billion RMB.

As the first professional import food expo at home, the sixth China International import Food & Beverage Expo (IF China 2016) will be held on July 1-3, 2016 in China International Exhibition Center in Beijing. It is estimated that the exhibition will cover an area of 35000m2, with 50000 professional attendees. The Expo, rising at the right moment and based on China’s import food market, intends to be professional, high-end and high-quality, which builds an authoritative display platform for enterprises. IF China has achieved rapid development through years of continuous efforts and has became a yearly gathering for colleagues in import food industry.

Exhibit Profile
1.Mineral Water & High-end Drinks
2.Sweet Food & Leisure Food
3.Chocolate, Candy, Pastry & Bread
4.Wine & Spirits, Beer
5.Juice & Soft Drinks
6.Olive Oil & Edible Oil
7.Dairy Products & Milk
8.Health & Functional Food
9.Refrigerated & Frozen Food
10.Gourmet Products & Meat Products
11.Aquatic Products & Seafood
12.Fresh Produce & Organic Food
13.Fruit Products & Salted Products
14.Nuts & Beans Products
15.Refrigerated & Frozen Food
16.Tea, Coffee & Honey
17.Condiments & Jam
18.Baking & Baking Products
19.Ice Cream & Equipment
20.Alcoholic Beverages
21.Pasta & Flour Products
22.Equipment, Packaging & Processing Technology

Professional audience

The enormous Purchaser Database enables us to invite professional units with purchasing capacity purposefully, and our audiences are throughout the first-class and secondary cities, including such purchasers as : major business super markets, stores, traders, distributors, agents, wholesalers, cafes, bars, clubs, large chain hotels, catering company, five-star hotels, resorts, No 1 shops, Jingdong Mall and Mall Day cats, embassies in China, as well as professional purchasers cooperating with various industrial associations or co-organizers.

For Exhibitors:Visitors are expected to come from multiple channels with a strongemphasis on retailers, wholesalers,distributors, food traders and thehospitality industry from the region.

For Visitors:Visitors can expect a showcase of theentire food portfolio, from fine foods, dairy products, sweetsand snack foods, beverages, wine and liquor, fruits and vegetables, edible oils tobakedgoods, coffee and tea, meats and seafoods well as organic foods. Industry insiders and leaders will also beshedding light on market-specific topics of interest and current trends and developments, such as food safety, consumption trends, and import regulations.

Beijing: Regional Demand – Untapped Market Potential

- One of the largest and wealthiest cities in China

• Population of more than 20 million

• GDP per capita of US$11,000, double the China average

- Major location for hotels, restaurants, businesses and embassies

- 40,000 registered food and beverage enterprises

- Catering industry with sales volume of US$16.7 billion in 2013

- Influences a market of at least 200 million people in surrounding provinces

- Less saturated than Shanghai

- Alternative choice for market entry in China


Very attractive market for imported food!

Access to new clients, who cannot be met at other trade shows in China!

Participation Rules

1. Costs and arrangement of Booth: Exhibition will provide standard booths and empty spaces, which can be selected by exhibitors as needed.

★Standard Booth: 3m×3m=9m2; booth for international exhibitors: USD 4000/m2;

booth for domestic exhibitors: RMB 12,800/m2;

Note:A corner booth should be charged another 10% of the total fee. A standard booth will provide carpets, three-side enclosure, lintel board bearing a company name, an information counter, two folding chairs, two spot lamps, a power socket ( special power consumption should be told in advance, which will be charged separately ).

★only Space: space for international exhibitors: USD 400/m2;

space for domestic exhibitors: RMB 1280/m2 (min. 27 m2)

Note: an empty space will provide no racks or facilities. Please select constructors specified by organizers to set up booths for the sake of good construction quality; any constructors other than specified ones are not allowed to enter the venue.

2. Proceeding advertising: it will help strengthen your brand influence in the industry! The proceedings will be widely released during the exhibition; in addition, they will also be sent to professionals in the industry absent for reasons through various channels. The price is as follows:

◇Cover: ¥25000     ◇Inside front cover: ¥18000   ◇Title page: ¥18000

◇Back cover: ¥20000  ◇Inside back cover:¥ 15000  ◇Inside color page: ¥8000
3. Technical seminar

During the Expo, the Organizing Committee will assist exhibitors in organizing special technical seminars in conference rooms in the venue, with the content determined by exhibitors themselves. Each seminar will accommodate 60-80 audiences invited by exhibitors at their option, which will last for 60 min. Each of a limited number of seminars will be charged RMB8000. Registrations will be accepted on a first come first served basis.


Beijing Henghui International Exhibition Co., Ltd.
Address: Room 305, Jindingtai Tower, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
Overseas Sales
Mr. Chen Peng +86 18301117220
Wechat ID: chen_melon
Tel: +86-10-8348-8560
Fax: +86-10-5851-4231
E-mail: bjchenpeng@yeah.net
Http:// www.ifsino.com/en

中国国际进口食品及饮品博览会原中国国际进口食品博览会(英文简称:IF China),是由恒辉国际展览有限公司举办的顶级专业进口食品展会。已成功举办5届,每年定期在北京举办!
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