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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2015-02-07  浏览次数:6240   状态:状态
展会日期 2015-04-22 至 2015-04-24
展出城市 布拉格
展出地址 Exhibition Ground Prague 7 – Holesovice
展馆名称 布拉格会展中心
主办单位 捷克布拉格威戈公司


展览地点: 布拉格展览中心

开放时间:上午11:00-下午 20:00

2015第十八届捷克布拉格国际红酒美食展。这次展览从2015年4月22-24日在布拉格举行。这是在捷克共和国和新入欧国家地区最大的美食和酒类展会,届时来自世界各地的美食美酒将在这里展览。展览面积占地500平方米,每年有超过200家参展商和15 000名游客。37%的游客为专业美食人士,在此我们为您提供一个很好的产品促销和寻找理想合作伙伴的机会。

VEGO PRAG, s.r.o.

Wine&Delicacies 2015

18th International Trade Fair for Gastronomy in Prague, Czech Republic

Date: 22. -24. 4. 2015

Venue: Exhibition Ground Prague 7 – Holesovice

Opening hours: 11 am – 8 pm                                                        

18th International Trade Fair for Gastronomy Wine & Delicacies. This exhibition takes place in Prague from the 22nd to the 24th of April 2015. It is the biggest fair of beverages and delicacies in Czech Republic and new EU countries and offers beverages and delicacies from all around the world. Exhibition area covers 5 500 m2; every year we have more than 200 exhibitors and 15 000 visitors in 3 days. As 37 % of the visitors are professionals from gastronomy, there is a great opportunity how to promote your products and find business partners there

地址:Jeseniova 77, Prague 3, 130 00 Czech Republic
QQ: 704677093
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