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不要在dressr.com网站采购Don't order from dressr.com

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核心提示:不要在dressr.com网站采购Don't order from dressr.com
不要在dressr.com网站采购Don't order from dressr.com
I ordered a dress from dressr.com on August 5th; it took a couple of days to arrange payment. During the time I was arranging the payment (I had originally chosen that site because they said they accepted PayPal, but it turned out that I had to use Western unio, which I know should have been a red flag - stupid me!) the service representative was very responsive, and we had many emails back and forth.
When payment had been received on their end, I got a verification from them that they had received it and that my order was in process and that the dress should arrive in about 15 days. 15 days came and went, and I thought perhaps they meant 15 business days, so I waited another week and still had not received anything. I emailed them to inquire, but received no response.
After two days, I emailed again - still no response. I submitted an inquiry through their website on their FAQ page. Got an automated response saying they would contact me "as soon as they received" the message. No answer. I submitted several more requests, sent several more emails, and even tried to call. They have several live chat features on their page that always seems to be offline or that simply do not work when you click them. The last contact I have had with them was when the final payment was arranged.
There is an online account so you can check your order status, but my status never changed from "pending," which according to their FAQ means that they are waiting for payment. However, I have confirmation both from Western unio and the service representative that they received payment.

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