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---Quote--- Is the website vividress.co.uk a scam site? They sell wedding dresses.

---End Quote--- yes, they are a scam. To start with they are not in the UK, they are in China. The site was recently created, and only registered for one year, those are hallmark signs of scammers. Domain name: vividress.co.uk Registrant: hui han Registrant type: Unknown Registrant's address: 1-1102, dongliu road hefei anhui 230031 China Registrar: GoDaddy.com, LLP. [Tag = GODADDY] URL: http://www.godaddy.com Relevant dates: *Registered on: 27-Jun-2013* Expiry date: 27-Jun-2014 Last updated: 01-Jul-2013

They do not appear as a listed business in the UK Companies house register : http://wck2.companieshouse.gov.uk//companysearch The "NORTON SECURE" link on their home page is fake, it should press in and give a site name, but its nothing more than a picture.


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