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国内骗子xinsheng technology ltd real scammer

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核心提示:国内骗子xinsheng technology ltd real scammer
国内骗子xinsheng technology ltd real scammer
You have to be careful, this company is a scam, it offers you very low prices, They lie saying that you receive good product, and when you pay, they do not send what have offered in the proform invoice. They send wrong items. I bought them,1000 units of Micro SD and all i can't recieve,instead of microsd 2pcs. 2gb laptop memory they send iv'e got damage 1,000usd of this scammer company xinsheng technology ltd.after recieved your payment all rules was change and the new rules of company can do,,,you order 500pcs.cannot send if you not add 500pcs.after recieve all payment they send in chinapost but you pay for dhl 90usd and you wait how many months in chinapost and you recieved a wrong goods. dont trust him,any comment about him pls.post my thread THE SELLER OF SCAMMER COMPANY

company name : xinsheng technology ltd
seller name : cathy li
western unio : qinying ke
email : Cathywantingelectronic@gmail.com

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