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Need help with Chinese sites that I suspect are fraud

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核心提示:Need help with Chinese sites that I suspect are fraud
Hello everybody, First to say, I'm very glad that I found this forum, dedicated only to dismantle scam sites and scam offers. I really hope that you will be able to help me with this problem. So, what do you think about this 3 sites? I need help, because I don't want to invest in ordering products (which, you suppose-are pretty under the price) just to waste my money for items I will never see or will be unusable copies of original product. 1.) CompanName: Topflysharing Technology Co.,Ltd WebSite: www.topflysharing.com Tel: 86-0755-33148569 Fax: 86-0755-33148545 mobile phone:008613113648569 Email:abby@topflysharing.com MSN: topflysharing_abby@hotmail.com Gmail : topflysharing.abby@gmail.com Yahoo: topflysharing_abby@yahoo.com Skype: topflysharing.abby address:chuangye road,longgang area, shenzhen city ,china 2.) Skype ID: happygosaleangel HappyGoSale Electronic Co.,Ltd Website:www.happygosale.com Email: happygosale@vip.163.com MSN: happygosale@hotmail.com Yahoo: happygosale@yahoo.com angle@happygosale.com 3.) Website:www.hotsaleelectric.com Skype :hotsaleelectric MSN :hotsaleelectric@hotmail.com Yahoo :hotsaleelectric@yahoo.com Gmail : hotsaleelectric@gmail.com Just to say some things that bug me. Every one of these sites: -receives payment only by WU/bank transfer -has product that they guarrantee that is real thing, but some specifications, like double SIM or SD card tray are different form original One of them sent me a license picture, but it's really of no use for me since I don't know Chinese. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/19/7y55.jpg Could that be a proof of good company? I realy hope that you can help me with this problem, should I trust these sites? Any experiences based on these sites? Thank you all in advance.

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