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国内骗子 recent china scamm

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核心提示:国内骗子 recent china scamm
Hello, dear Ladies and Gentleman. Recently (In December) I have being scammed.:thumbup: I am pretty sure there is no justice in China. Despite the recent years and the trade exchange between China and the hole world, I still have my doubts. At the end of last year (in December 2012) I registered on www.TradeKey.com. I have being contacted by Chinese companies offering variety of products on very good prices. I was interested mainly in electronics, transport vehicles, etc. I contacted these companies and in the mean time found buyers. We decide to make one small purchase to see the quality of the products. We agreed on the amount and I send a bit more above $400.00 for two mobile phones and shipping charges. In couple of days they send me an email saying that because of the high demand on the market now the minimum order is 5 mobile phones and I have to pay the rest of the amount for the other three phones and they will send the package. I refused and at the end they didn't send me back the money. The site of the major “company” who robed me and most likely other people too is: ---Quote--- http://www.oem-brand.com And the details are as follows: Paying Bank: Bank of China Beijing Branch Address of Bank: No.2 ChaoYangMenNeiDaJie,DongCheng District,Beijing 100010 , China Beneficiary's A/C NO: 6217900100000153976 Beneficiary's Name: chenchen sun SWIFT: BKCH CN BJ 110 or Western unio Account: First name: chenchen Last name: sun City: beijing Country: China

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