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骗子律师Barrister Gary

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核心提示:他是个大骗子,还说要给我$150,000,000! THIS IS A SCAM!!!! Don't believe it!!!!
THIS IS A SCAM!!!! Don't believe it!!!!
Hi, I am Barrister Gary Hills an American based in Nigeria for now I am the solicitor and Attorney to late Rev.A. Cole an American who perished in the Dana air crash on the 3rd of June 2012 in Lagos with all his family.
Please I want you to assist me in claiming his compensation of US$150,000,000(One hundred and fifty million United States Dollars) by presenting you as the only real relation alive.
I was directed to present a rightful claimant or loose this fund to fraudulent criminals in Nigeria as other foreign victims' relations have presented claimants.
If you accept,this fund will be handed to you and both of us will share it amicably because every related person to him died in that accident.
I shall give you details immediately I get your reply.
I need your phone and fax numbers, home and office address, date of birth and a scanned copy of your international passport or driver's license.
Please send your reply to Email: garryhill002@gmail.com Thanks, Barrister Gary Hills JR.(ESQ).
Email: garryhill002@gmail.com Received: from User ([] RDNS failed) by mail.reitoria.utl.pt with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4675); Thu, 5 Sep 2013 18:49:00 +0100 Reply-To:
From: "Barrister Gary Hills JR."
Subject: Strictly for you (very important)
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2013 10:46:08 -0700
Return-Path: garryhill002@xmail.net Message-ID:

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