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尼日利亚银行johnukadi@gmail.com $20,000,000.00 +234 8033435257

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核心提示:尼日利亚银行johnukadi@gmail.com $20,000,000.00 +234 8033435257
尼日利亚银行johnukadi@gmail.com $20,000,000.00 +234 8033435257
Int’l. Wire Transfer/Telex Department, Central Bank Of Nigeria,(CBN)
Office Number:+23412130615
Direct Telepone:+234 8033435257
Our Ref: CBN/IRD/CBX/021/09
This is to bring to your notice that the New President of Federal Republic of Nigeria, "Dr. Goodluck Jonathan" has constituted a 10 man investigative and foreign Debts reconciliation committee, which I am the Chairman of the presidential committee saddled with the responsibility to investigate all the banks here in Nigeria, who has trapped and held beneficiaries contract/inheritance Fund claims unpaid.
However, the New President has vowed that his government is poised to eradicate corruption and fraudulent practices here in Nigeria to zero level which portrays the ugly reputations of this country’s image in the international communities. I am the newly Appointed Executive Governor of CENTRAL BANK OF NIGERIA and the Chairman of the presidential 10 man investigative and foreign Debts reconciliation committee.
We apologies for the delay of your payment and all the inconveniences might have caused you. Please take note, according to the information am getting since I was appointed concerning delay of foreign CONTRACT/INHERITANCE AND WINNINGS because of this matter, I will devote our 100% assiduity in accrediting your foreign contract Payments as long as I can guarantee your cooperation on this matter. Please confirm urgently, for immediate transfer into this account. the account owner send this account on your behalf that you are in a sick bed that we should transfer your due outstanding contract payment of USD$20,000,000.00 (Twenty Million United States Dollars Only) into this nominated account below:
Account Name: Gerald M. Couch
Bank Name: Bank of America (Hillsboro, IL branch)
Swift code: BOAUS3N Main routing number: 0260 0959 3
Branch routing number: 081904888
Account number is 0038 7303 9057
Bank address: 420 South Main Street in Hillsboro, IL 62049
Please your confirmation is needed before we make this transfer and also forward this information to us immediately.
1.Full Names 2.Telephone Or Fax Number.. 3.Contact Address......... 4.Age.. 5.Occupation.... 6.Sex.......... 7.Equlity...... 8.Id card......
Thanks for your good understanding, hope to have your response shortly. Yours faithfully, Dr. Rev. John Okolie Int’l.
Wire Transfer/Telex Department, Central Bank of Nigeria Direct Line:+234 8033435257
Received: from User (unknown []) by mail.adcip.com.br (Postfix) with ESMTPA id 707D7B3FB6; Sun, 22 Sep 2013 01:17:29 -0300 (BRT) Reply-To: From: "REV JOHN OKOLIE"
Subject: URGENT REPLY NEED IF YOU ARE NOT DEAD Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 23:01:06 -0500 To: Undisclosed-recipients:;

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