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银行骗子$8.370 M; Liu Chan-Henry Forrester

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核心提示:银行骗子$8.370 M; Liu Chan-Henry Forrester
银行骗子$8.370 M; Liu Chan-Henry Forrester

Dear friend, *I am glad to read from you,kindly send me your full names and contact address along with your Identification documents scanned copy.Upon receipt i shall forward the information's over to the attorney to commence work with the legal documents on your behalf.Hence everything will be done inline with the international banking laws, the attorney needs your complete information's to carryout his duties.once i receive the information's i shall give further guidelines as well as the progress of the transaction. I await your information's. *Regards, Chan

Dear friend, *Thanks for writing me,i appreciate your indulgence in this transaction. I have going through your message and the content is well understood. It,s a good thing you will be coming over to London,please permit me to ask is your visit to the london a casual or official? I didnt receive the scanned document you sent me and i insist that you resend it again.I also request that you send me the below information's outlined below. 1.Full Names 2.Contact address 3.Occupation 4.Date of Birth 5.Identification documents scanned copy 6.Marital Status *Upon receipt of the above information's i shall call you up to enable us establish verbal correspondence.As we speak i don't know which country you reside and your intentions,but once i get the information's i will be able to clear my doubts and we will arrange to meet upon your arrival to London.Note that this is a very sensitive transaction and highly classified so i need to know the exact individual i am dealing to ensure that i don't give vital information's to the wrong individual.I do sincerely hope you understand my concerns and will respond accordingly. I await your information's. Regards, Chan

Dear friend, *I hope you are doing o k my friend? i received your message and the content is well understood. It,s a good thing you are willing to assist me transfer my late clients funds out of my bank.Without wasting any time we need to swing into action by obtaining the necessary legal documents which will empower you as the sole beneficiary of the funds amounting to $8,370,000.00 belonging to my late client.There will be need to sort the service of a reputable attorney who has vast experience in estate and inheritance laws,you will need to contact the attorney stating that you are my associate and will stand as the funds beneficiary.Upon contact he will provide you with vital information's as well as the total cost to enable him put in place the legal documents in your favor.Find below his contact information's. Name/ Henry Forrester* (Managing Partner) H.D Forrester & Co Solicitors 3 The Norwich Business Park Whiting Road, Norwich, Norfolk, NR4 6DJ Email: henry.forrester@lawyer.com Direct line:+44 793 717 9249 *  once the documents are put in place,i can assure you it would be a smooth transfer of the funds to you and no one is going to get into trouble as long as all documents are in the file at the B O C.So be rest assured that all documents are going to be done legally so we are both safe and no one gets into trouble now and in future.I am happy we are doing this together and i urge that you co operate with the attorney in terms of information's and payments for his professional legal service to enable him carry out his duties.Kindly let me know you have received this e-mail and the contents understood. Regards, Chan

From: Henry D. Forrester Sent: Sun 25 Aug 2013 Subject: Tr : Proceedings Update!‏ Return-Path: Received: from by rms-us008 with HTTP IP address location & more: IP address [?]: [Whois] [Reverse IP] IP country code: NG IP address country: Nigeria IP address state: Lagos IP address city: Lagos IP address latitude: 6.4531 IP address longitude: 3.3958 ISP of this IP [?]: Visafone Communications Limited Organization: VISAFONE Dear XXX, *I write to inform you that my professional legal services has been sort for by your associate Mr Liu Chan.He well informed me that you will be beneficiary of the funds amounting to $$8,370,000,00.due to be paid by* La Caixa bank. I shall do everything within my capacity to perfect the legal documentation to this effect as this will enable La Caixa bank remit the fund you.Note everything will be done in accordance to the U K laws to avoid any complications from the government.To enable me carryout this task there is need to open a file on your behalf with this firm and thereafter swing into action by preparing a power of attorney stating that you are the beneficiary of funds belonging to late Mr Johann Bernt and that La Caixa bank should remit the fund to you.once this is done i shall proceed to register the power of attorney with the High Court of U K and obtain a letter from the probate and administrative department stating that you are the sole and legal beneficiary of the funds. The total cost for this process is 2000 GBP,kindly get back to me for remittance details. Regards, Truly yours, H. D. Forrester, Esq.

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