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http://www.pitchemicaloreandpetroleumproductstrading.yolasite.com *The biggest cache of fake/scam documents I've come accross, and I've seen many.
Below is a small sample of the ones I had time to check out. All confirmed frauds.* - titanium dioxide offer sheet.pdf = offer from yhschem.com exposed here: http://www.fraudwatchers.org/forums/showthread.php?p=174016#post174016 - Jpeg files 1 to 5 - Fake Tatneft documents Russian oil offers...see:
Russian Oil Product import/Export Scam (http://www.fraudwatchers.org/forums/showthread.php?t=49813) - SCO 130702 PETROLEUM PRODUCTS D2, D6, Crude, JP 54, MAZUT M100.pdf Russian oil offers...see: Russian Oil Product import/Export Scam (http://www.fraudwatchers.org/forums/showthread.php?t=49813) - KR-EG Refinery SCO.pdf Russian oil offers...see: Russian Oil Product import/Export Scam (http://www.fraudwatchers.org/forums/showthread.php?t=49813) - SCO_Multi_GAR_06-20-13.pdf Russian oil offers...see: Russian Oil Product import/Export Scam (http://www.fraudwatchers.org/forums/showthread.php?t=49813) - PETROLE UM QUOTATIONS --SIBIRmetaLLSTROY--.pdf = Doc from fake company GAZINVESTTSENTR exposed here http://fraudwatchers.org/forums/showthread.php?p=174018&highlight=GAZINVESTTSENTR#post174018 - TRANSPACIFIC RESOURCES SCO xxx.pdf = Fake doc from transpacificresource.com which has been eliminated for scamming http://forum.aa419.org/viewtopic.php?t=62957&sid=3f5860cb9b2e63f7278147d92f4c640b - CURRENT APPROVED CURRENT FRESH SCO _20th June-15th August 2013_.pdf = Fake ROSNEFT document. See Russian Oil Product import/Export Scam (http://www.fraudwatchers.org/forums/showthread.php?t=49813) - Shtokman-Gazprom SCO SOFT COOPERATE OFFER.pdf = Fake offer from shtokman-gazprom.ru *exposed in GAZPROM's fraud warning*: http://www.gazprom.com/contacts/warning/ - sco urea 24 GIUGNO 2013.pdf = offer from QingdaoXujiang Chemical exposed here: http://fraudwatchers.org/forums/showthread.php?p=174023#post174023 - ConVERYOR BELT.pdf - ANZARA RESOURCES COPPER CATHODE.pdf = offers from ANZARA RESOURCES exposed here: http://www.fraudwatchers.org/forums/showthread.php?p=174034#post174034 - SCO Copper Cathode frm china.pdf = offer of copper cathodes from Hubei Huaxianglitong exposed here: http://fraudwatchers.org/forums/showthread.php?p=174036#post174036 - Gold and Diamonds offers.pdf = Ludicrous scam gold offers from Tanzania ($32k per kg) and Benin ($35k per kg) - ORDIAMEX FCO FOR CIF DELIVERY OF 33KG TO NY OR NJ IN THE USA_JUNE_2013 (1).pdf ORDIAMEX_MINING_GROUPS_CIF_FCO_TO_DUBAI_IN_THE_UAE_(9).pdf = scam offers of gold from ORDIAMEX Guinea, exposed here: http://fraudwatchers.org/forums/showthread.php?p=174037#post174037 - FCO.Kalana DUBIA.xxx.doc (http://www.pitchemicaloreandpetroleumproductstrading.yolasite.com/resources/FCO.Kalana%20DUBIA.MR%20JEAN%20GUY%20CLAVETTE.doc) = Mali gold scam from KALANA GOLD exposed here:

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