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外贸骗子Shenzhen Honesty Electronic Technology SCAM FRAUD

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核心提示:外贸骗子Shenzhen Honesty Electronic Technology SCAM FRAUD
外贸骗子Shenzhen Honesty Electronic Technology SCAM FRAUD

PLEASE NOTE WE TALK OF THE REAL "Honesty Shenzhen", this is not fake/clone PLEASE NOTE I HAVE ALL PROOFS OF WHAT I SAY http://www.hkhonesty.en.alibaba.com They sent me 70 MID with faulty GPS, here you can see the tests I've done The model to left is MT701, right are MT704 Same OS, same settings. Image: http://www.tabletvendita.com/honesty_scammers/honesty_shenzhen_faulty.jpg After my complaints, your export manager Mr. Bono, tries to convince me that the GPS works Image: http://www.tabletvendita.com/honesty_scammers/GPS_bono.jpg But the boss of factory, after my complaints on alibaba.com admits that are problems with GPS and tells me that will try to convince Suki (one of his workmen :D ) to give me "more" pay back. Why he said "more" I never understood, I have not taken a cent of pay back. Image: http://www.tabletvendita.com/honesty_scammers/jihai_GPS.JPG Suki, instead give me pay back, blackmailing me and asks me more money Image: http://www.tabletvendita.com/honesty_scammers/ricatta.JPG Also, dont send me 22 pcs faulty I had sent the first time to repair

How they work:
1) They sell defective goods, paid few dollars
2) after, IF you complaints, try to calm you with some "gifts", example to me they offered the keyboards (for to have I need also pay shipping cost). They earn a lot of money because had paid the goods few dollars, also if gave you some keyboards.
3) They will blackmail because if you stop buying from them you can not repair the flawed pieces that you bought before and you have the stock full of wasted money. You must have the strength to rebel, or becomes like a drug.

The first time I thought they were in good faith, but this is the second time that trying to shut up me with some keyboard that I also have to pay for to have it Now I have 70 MID with GPS not working and they also have 22 MID that I sent to repair and do not give me more back DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM THEM Shenzhen Honesty Electronic Technology ARE SCAMMERS, I invited them to sue me if I'm vilifying them, but are silent.

If anyone wants any further information can contact me on skype, "ocean13ltd", I have invoice and more log and screenshot I hope I have helped many people to not be cheated. DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM THEM

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