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深圳骗子公司www.bestgift-usb.com Cellphones/Tablets/Cameras/Laptops/Game Consoles/PS4

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核心提示:深圳骗子公司www.bestgift-usb.com Cellphones/Tablets/Cameras/Laptops/Game Consoles/PS4
深圳骗子公司www.bestgift-usb.com Cellphones/Tablets/Cameras/Laptops/Game Consoles/PS4
Company Claims to be selling Iphones, Ipads, Samsung Galaxy phones, laptops (Dell, HP , Sony, Lenovo ) , Tv's Cameras, Basically almost all types of consumer electronics at huge discounts (around 80%), first they have you order a sample to try the product out before making a big order.. After you pay for a sample ( i.e 150 dollars for a iphone or 150 for a Samsung Galaxy 4) The sales man/woman will send an email that they made a mistake that they are new and that the minimum order is actually 1000 dollars, so that you send more money BEWARE I have already received about 20 similar emails, some websites and pictures are almost identical They even claim to have the new PS4 Iphone 5s, Iphone 5c here goes a copy and paste of the first email Dear Good day! Crazy sale season is coming! Pls check the clearance sales products as belowed and don't miss the oppotunity again! If you need more information,please contact me skype:caesar.huang1 or send me an email,thanks. If you want to know more information or products,please contact me,my skype is caesar.huang1,awiting for the reply,don't miss the festival promotion. ShenZhen OSL International Co.,Ltd Contact number:+0085297965621 Skype:caesar.huang1

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