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I’ve found this big liar Maciej on tradekey.com, he said he could sell baby milk powder branded Aptamil, and many other famous brands like Nutrilon...
After several conversations, I knew he don’t have business in China, only business in Middle East and Africa.
I though he could offer us Aptamil at a lower price, and we may go proceed, may buy from Maciej.
The last thing is the authorization from the factory/brand owner.
But one day, I lost contact with Maciej, then I went to his official website imeko.nl, completed a form saying we need his authorization form Aptamil, and then sent an email to his official email info@imeko.nl.
Guess what happened? One person from the real website/company called me, explaining Maciej is a liar, a fraud and not staff of the real company.
Thank God, we’re saved by accident. I wan to share this experience with you guys, now many Chinese want to buy baby milk powder abroad. Be careful, the info of this fraud is as follows
Maciej Roesler
Commercial / Sales Manager
Imeko Dairy Products B.V.


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