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短信骗子luckystarpromolotto9 385-202-5068

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核心提示:短信骗子luckystarpromolotto9 385-202-5068
短信骗子luckystarpromolotto9 385-202-5068

---Quote--- I received a text message on my cell phone from luckystarpromolotto9 that my cell number won a million bucks in Guilin Megabucks Promo Draw. I was instructed to send my email address to 3852025068 for details. I was skeptical but thought what could it hurt so I complied. I then got an email from ducklee@guilinmegabuckslotto.com with an attachment that was labeled as lotto notificaion1.jpg. I have not opened the attachment fearing it could be a virus. Does any of this sound familiar? Is it as I suspect, a scam or phising expedition?

---End Quote--- it is a scam. the domain is recently registered and does not even have a website, they are using it for email purposes only. Domain Name: GUILINMEGABUCKSLOTTO.COM Registration Date: 11-Feb-2013 Expiration Date: 11-Feb-2014 Your very smart to question weather or not there is a virus in the picture, too. I would not even think about opening it. Read this : http://www.fraudwatchers.org/forums/view.php?pg=fwlotscams


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