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印度瓜尔胶粉 Guar Gum Powder

Guar Gum Powder

单价: 面议
起订: 面议
供货总量: 面议
浏览次数: 1881
公司基本资料信息[Company Info]
产品详细说明/Detailed product description





Guar Gum Powder is extracted from the Guar Seed after a multistage industrial process. The most important property of Guar Gum is its ability to hydrate rapidly in cold water to attain uniform and very high viscosity at relatively low concentrations. Its colloidal nature gives excellent thickening to the solution.
Guar Gum, either modified or unmodified is a very versatile and efficient natural polymer covering a number of applications in various industries like oil & gas well drilling , food, beverages, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, paper, textile, construction, mining etc, due to its cost effective emulsifying and thickening properties.
Global surfactant and oilfield chemicals produce High Viscosity Guar Refined Splits, Guar Gum Powder, Guar Gum Derivatives, Fast Hydrating Guar Gum, H.P. Guar and High Protein Guar Meal.N
Fast Hydration Guar Gum Powder: FHGG
The most common uses of the fast hydration guar gum powder are to increase the oil and gas production in oil drilling, gas drilling and other well drilling industries.
It is also used in oil well drilling muds because it gives a better colloid which resulting to reduction of water losses. The viscosity of mud solution is regulated as well as the flow properties of the drilling mud is stabilized as well as regulated.
Guar gum helps to reduce friction in the holes, and so minimizing power requirements. Guar Gum products act to minimize water loss should occur in broken geological formations.
The only difference between regular guar gum and fast hydration guar gum is that the former gives viscosity after 2 hours wheras, the latter gives viscosity in few minutes

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