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宝蓝色孕妇运动衫Maternity sweatshirt

Maternity sweatshirt Nicki blue

品牌: My Tummy
单价: 面议
起订: 面议
供货总量: 面议
浏览次数: 662
公司基本资料信息[Company Info]
产品详细说明/Detailed product description


模特:Weronika (身高172厘米),孕期9个月,照片中身穿M号衣服。(由中国进出口网整理翻译)
Trendy maternity sweatshirt for funky mums. 

Pregnancy sweatshirt Nicki:
- it's 3in1: for pregnancy, nursing and after birth
- modern cut, longer at the back
- two-way zipper gives an easy access to the breast
- blue jeans color
- looks great with leggings and slim fit jeans
- composition: 92% cotton, 8% elastane
Maternity clothes from our NEW collection combine comfort and style!

Model: Weronika (height 172 cm) 9 months pregnant, size M in the photo.

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