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埃及茴香籽 Anise seeds

Anise seeds

单价: 面议
起订: 面议
供货总量: 面议
浏览次数: 880
公司基本资料信息[Company Info]
产品详细说明/Detailed product description

植物学名(Pim Pinella Anisum)
可供应A级 B级
Anis Seeds
Botanical Name ( Pim Pinella Anisum )
Available Form:
-Anis seeds Grade A Quality
-Anis seeds Grade B Quality
Season: Available all the Year
Packing: In polypropylene bag 25 KGS Net Weight

Anise is a very widely used herb. It is especially known for its digestive properties. Anise seeds are consumed after meals to help in the process of digestion. If crushed and added to tea, not only does it enhance the flavor, but also works as a digestive and helps relieve the problem of flatulence.
Anise, due to its antimicrobial properties, is found in a lot of over the counter remedies. The oil extracted from anise seeds is used as an expectorant. It relieves congestion by working on the secretary cells in the respiratory tract.
Though anise can be used to treat a wide range of medical conditions, a word of caution is in order. It is recommended that people with high blood pressure should not consume anise as it might exacerbate the condition, though there is no concrete scientific evidence for this.
Anise is also a popular culinary herb that is used extensively in cooking and liqueurs. Also, due to its fresh scent, it is often used as an herbal fragrance in aroma therapy. Moreover, anise is added to oral hygiene products like toothpaste and mouthwash in order to enhance their flavor and effectiveness.
Back in the ancient times, the Romans used anise to make scented oils and soaps. Perhaps the tradition of wedding cakes can be traced back to the Roman period when anise tea and cake were served after a wedding feast.


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