Pearl Millet
Pennisetum glaucum

Hindi Name:
English Name:
Pearl Millet
Pennisetum glaucum
Description :
Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) is the most widely grown type of millet. Grown in the Indian subcontinent since prehistoric times, it is generally accepted that pearl millet originated in Africa and was subsequently introduced into India. Pearl millet is well adapted to production systems characterized by drought, low soil fertility, and high temperature. It performs well in soils with high salinity or low pH. Because of its tolerance to difficult growing conditions, it can be grown in areas wher other cereal crops, such as maize or wheat, would not survive. Today pearl millet is grown on over 260,000 km worldwide. It accounts for approximately 50% of the total world production of millets
In its traditional growing areas in India and many African countries, pearl millet is consumed in the form of leavened or unleavened breads, porridges, boiled or steamed foods, and (alcoholic) beverages. In the Sahel and elsewher in West Africa, pearl millet is an important ingredient of couscous. The stalks are a valued building material, fuel and livestock feed. Pearl millet is becoming essential to soybean production in the Cerrado region in Brazil, wher it is used to conserve soil quality, and to suppress nematodes and weeds. Although originally used as a cover crop, area under cultivation is increasing rapidly and pearl millet is being grown for its quality grain and forage. In Canada, pearl millet cover or rotations are valuable to reduce soil-borne nematodes in potato cropping systems. In the USA, this temporary summer annual grazing or hay crop is high in protein, is highly digestible, and is free of prussic acid. It is commonly used for feeding dairy and beef cattle, horses, goats, and other livestock.