2. 芥末有很强的解毒功能,能解鱼蟹之毒,故生食三文鱼等海鲜食品经常会配上芥末;
3. 芥末呛鼻的主要成分是异硫氰酸盐,这种成分不但可以预防蛀牙,对预防癌症,防止血管凝块,治疗气喘等也有一定效果;
4. 芥末还有预防高血脂、高血压、心脏病、减少血液黏稠度等功效;
5. 芥末油有美容养颜的功效,在美体界,芥末油是很好的按摩油。

English Name:
Mustard Oil
:Mustard oil Helps to stay away from coronary heart diseases.
It Helps to reduce hair fall through improved blood circulation if it is massaged on scalp.
It can be used as an irritant for stimulating sensation in senseless organs and muscles. Irritants are also useful for driving up muscles.
Mustard oil Helps preventing fungal growth, thus it can be used as anti-fungal.
Mustard oil Helps in winter for making body warm and generating mild irritating effect through massage on body.
Mustard oil Helps making immune system strong.
Mustard oil Useful for treating cough and cold.
Mustard oil Protects teeth from germs if rubbed on gums and make gums.