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白胡椒White Pepper

White Pepper

品牌: Origin Agro-Exports
单价: 面议
起订: 面议
供货总量: 面议
浏览次数: 1122
公司基本资料信息[Company Info]
产品详细说明/Detailed product description


1. 湿度:最高12%

2. 杂质:最高0.03%

3. 包装:25或50公斤每袋,或根据客户要求,集装箱装运

4. 大小:颗粒

5. 容量:14吨,20整箱装运

6. 原产地:斯里兰卡

White pepper is obtained by removing the outer skin, namely pericarp and outer portion of the mesocarp of the ripe or matured green berries or dried black pepper (Piper nigrum L.). The white pepper berries are light yellow grayish in color; nearly globular in shape; Around 5mm or less in diameter; smooth; striated with small protuberance at the base.

White Pepper, Top Quality.

1. Moisture: 12% Max.
2. Impurity: 0.03% max.
3. Packing: 25/50KG/bag or carton according with customer requirement
4. Size: granule
5. Capacity: 14 tons for 20 FCL
6. Origin Place: Sri Lanka
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