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Kenzo秋冬男士新款卫衣 Pullover

Kenzo Pullover for Man

品牌: Kenzo
单价: 面议
起订: 面议
供货总量: 面议
原产地: 中欧 - 波兰
浏览次数: 2803
公司基本资料信息[Company Info]
产品详细说明/Detailed product description
  • 品牌介绍
  • 国家:法国
  • Kenzo是由高田贤三在法国创立的品牌,以香水、护肤品和服装最为有名。Kenzo自1970年起开始在时尚界崭露头角,并于1993年加入酩悦•轩尼诗-路易•威登集团集团,自此它旗下的服装、饰品、餐具以及香水均有了更广阔的市场。
Kenzo is a French luxury house founded in 1970 by Japanese designer Kenzo Takada. Kenzo Takada was born in Japan and moved to Paris in 1964 to start his fashion career. He then became known for using Asian and Japanese influenced style with the expert construction of European high fashion. He started out with a 'Jungle Jap' boutique located in Paris and decorated in jungle inspired decor. He began with handmade women's clothing, then in 1983 Kenzo started designing men and then kids and home collections in 1987. Today, it is an international luxury goods brand owned by parent company LVMH, that purchased the label in 1993.

以下为第44周Vitkac为大家带来的 KENZO秋冬新款男式卫衣:

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