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菲律宾进口香蕉 fruit

Cavendish Banana

单价: 面议
起订: 面议
供货总量: 面议
原产地: 东南亚 - 菲律宾
浏览次数: 6657
公司基本资料信息[Company Info]
产品详细说明/Detailed product description
Our main market is China,  with experience delivering to Jeddah S.A., Dubai, Vladivostok Russia, Iran, Egypt & Bulgaria
We have pending orders from Middle East, Malaysia and other countries.
Our consignee main requirement:
Quality Class A 456 (Big Hands)
Quality Class A 789 (Small Hands)
Cluster - Occasional only
Premium B - Occasional only

1.  Finger length
4/5/6  ---  7.5 inches pulp to tip minimum
7/8/9  ---  6 inches pulp to minimum
2.  Calibration
4/5/6  ---  Japan & Far East – 39 to 48; ME/China – 39 to 47
7/8/9  ---  Korea pack – 39
3.  Hands
4/5/6  ---  minimum of 12 fingers
7/8/9  ---  minimum of 12 fingers
4.  Hand Weight
4/5/6  ---  maximum of 5 kgs
7/8/9  ---  maximum of 13 kgs
5.  Leaves at harvest  ---  five (5) functional leaves
6.  No. of hours for packing up
To arrival at the wharf  ---  not later than 12 hours from packing
7.  Defects
4/5/6 and 7/8/9
a. Old bruise, scars healed
over old point scar  ---  moderate in up to three (3) fingers per hand
slight on one (1) finger cluster
b. Fresh bruising (new) ---  slight in up to two (2) fingers if peel not broken,
slight in one (1) finger if peel not broken
c. Fresh point scar  ---  slight in up to three (3) fingers on hand, slight
on one (1) finger cluster
d. Red rust  ---  slight up to two (2) fingers on hand, slight on
one (1) finger cluster
e. Maturity stain  ---  slight up to two (2) fingers on hand, slight on
one (1) finger cluster
f. Chemical burn  ---  slight up to three (3) fingers on hand, slight on
one (1) finger cluster
g. Animal damage scratches ---  slight up to five (5) fingers per hand, moderate in
more than three (3) fingers
h. Corkey scab,
water soak bronzing ---  slight on fingers, necks and crown’s entire hand.
This may extend up to 1.5 clusters in two (2)
fingers. Slight on clusters crown and neck up to
two (2) cm on two (2) fingers
i.  Scarring beetles  ---  slight up to two (2) fingers on hands, moderate up
to two (2) slight on
finger cluster
j.  Sunburn  ---  slight up to three (3) fingers affected, moderate on
one (1) finger, slight on finger cluster
k. Mealy bug
Mutilated finger
Chemical residue
Split peel
Fused fingers
Broken neck
Mislabelling hands
Johnson fruit spot
Knife cut
Loose fingers
Mixing banana vacuum/
polypack  ---  No Tolerance
Other fungus
Short finger (under 7.5 inches)
Diamond fruit spot
Wrong hand marking
Cigar end
Under calibration
Over calibration
Dirty fruit
Underweight boxes
Nipple like end
Ripe fingers
NOTE: Buyers shall issue from time to time a directive enumerating chemicals allowed
in the market the tolerance limit on specific chemicals that the market allows.


温馨提示:本页[菲律宾进口香蕉 fruit]信息由[菲律宾三巴旺贸易公司]提供,该企业负责信息内容的真实性、准确性和合法性。进出口网对此不承担任何保证连带责任。建议双方交易时采用安全的方式,以保证双方利益。

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