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Brazilian nonGMO soybeans: great cooperation opportunity

单价: 面议
起订: 面议
供货总量: 面议
原产地: 南美洲 - 巴西
浏览次数: 1987
公司基本资料信息[Company Info]
产品详细说明/Detailed product description
Brazilian nonGMO soybeans: great cooperation opportunity

Currently, Brazil produces mostly GMO soybeans. However, in the Southeast Amazon area there is a new opportunity of development for non-GMO soybean plantations, associating Brazil farmers to Chinese traders/buyers.



The way this kind of cooperation works between Brazil producers and major Western traders is that the traders provide the planters (who own the land) with seeds and fertilizers, the Brazilian farmers grow and harvest the crops, and then the traders buy the planters’ crops (be it corn or soybeans) under connected contracts.



Now we have a proposal from big Brazilian producers to do the same with Chinese traders or buyers directly, specifically for nonGMO soybeans to be planted at the New Frontier.



Among the advantages, are to have good quality of nonGMO, through having all “neighbours” planting nonGMO (so avoiding GMO contagion); the logistics would involve mostly barges instead of trucks, exclusive nonGMO warehouses for "collection" and shipping, and loading ports in the Amazon area are mostly less busy than Santos or Paranagua.



The suppliers would be coordinated by the first and the second largest independent planters of Brazil (whom are likely to be the largest in the World).



Brazil Cerrado Region



Production in regions of the Brazilian Cerrado has become very attractive thanks to several characteristics of this region, such as stable climate, adequate amount of rainfall, and the balanced topography that make its red soil is very productive, together with technological advances and investments in the soil, seeds and irrigation.



The price of land in the region known as "Mapitoba" (the name was given by putting together the initials of the four States where the land extends in - the States of Maranhão, Piauí, Tocantins and Bahia) is more accessible than in other regions of Brazil. The land in this area has been acquired by individuals, especially those coming from the Southern states of Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul, and by major agribusiness conglomerates (some of which with minority foreign interests).



Today, the Mapitoba is already being considered as Brazil’s third agricultural frontier (after the South and Central West). According to Rabobank, grain production in the Mapitoba region should reach 20 million tons by 2021. After doubling the area planted with soybeans in the last decade, in this harvest year the Mapitoba will increase another 12%. Both productivity gains from investments in new varieties, fertilizers and machinery, and the planted area are expected to grow. There are 2million hectares of good quality land still available for planting, which is an amount equal to 70% of the land cultivated with soybeans in this harvest year, according to market estimates. Thus, farmers have a significant amount of land available to increase their production.



Concerning the logistics in this area, the Federal Government’s Growth Acceleration Program has attempted to improve the region’s logistics, through expansion of the Port of Itaqui, and other projects, especially related to railways. The conclusion of the stretch of the North-South Railway from Porto Nacional (Tocantins) to the Carajás Railway, which goes to the Port of Itaqui (Maranhão), has already contributed to reducing the logistics costs.

关于该地区的物流,联邦政府的增长加速计划试图通过扩建伊塔基港和其他项目,特别是与铁路有关的项目,改善该地区的物流。南北铁路从Porto Nacional(托坎廷斯州)延伸至Carajás铁路(通往伊塔基港(马拉尼昂州))的完工,已经有助于降低物流成本。 


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