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印度玫瑰芦荟凝露Aloevera Rose Gel

Organic Aloevera Rose Gel

单价: 面议
起订: 面议
供货总量: 面议
浏览次数: 1279
公司基本资料信息[Company Info]
产品详细说明/Detailed product description




It is 100% moisturizing Organic Aloevera Rose Gel forms a matte film on the skin that enables a threefold effect: protects the pore of pollution, prevents skin water evaporate, and provides a total Sun protection to prevent the formation of spots in the skin. Further reinforced by the anti-free radical action free, anti-inflammatory and soothing Aloe Vera pure 100% Canario and vitamin e. for skins with hypersensitivity to the Sun, as well as to avoid premature skin ageing.Preserves the skin against sunburn and stains caused by the Sun. Aloe Vera rose gel is a unique natural formulation that evens out skin tone for a fairer you! rose water, Indian Aloe and Kaolin rejuvenate and cleanse your skin of impurities, to reveal a natural glow. Is refreshing, hydrating, healing, invigorating, restoring,and it has effective cellular renewal ingredients and hold oxygen to the skin in this way the cream prevent wrinkles.


Herbal, Aloe Vera, Rose Water.

Packing is of 100 gm

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