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英国美丽365美白淡斑抗老精华液 cosmetic

Transformation Beauty 365

品牌: Transformation Beauty 365
单价: 面议
起订: 面议
供货总量: 面议
浏览次数: 757
公司基本资料信息[Company Info]
产品详细说明/Detailed product description
品牌:Transformation Beauty 365

成份:强化蒸馏水,手工芦荟切片、生物提炼食物复合维生素C(L抗坏血酸)20%,果泥和蔬菜提取物(挡水分子),白橡木精华,水溶性维生素E(红薯Bio-Extracted),ProSynamin™(含有多酚抗氧化剂食物成分),Flavinaid™(生物提炼食物紧肤肽复合物),雷公根,马尾,蔬        菜甘油,荷荷芭油、葡萄柚提取物、山葵根,磷脂
A fast-acting liposomal 20% L Ascorbic Acid Vitamin C Serum  (L Ascorbic Acid is the only form of Vitamin C that produces results topically).
Transformation Beauty 365 Vitamin C Serum penetrates the skin to a deeper level providing you with  superior Vitamin C benefits. Your Skin gets tighter, lines and wrinkles smooth, sun damage and age spots become less visible and these results continue to improve the longer you use it.

Directions: Apply daily preferably AM and PM after  cleansing, pump 2 or more times in the palm and spread evenly, use more for increased effect. Can be used with any of our other products and will increase their effectiveness.

Ingredients: Energetically Enhanced Distilled Water, Hand-Filleted Aloe Vera, Bio-Extracted Whole Food Vitamin C (L ascorbic acid) Complex 20%, Fruit Pulp And Vegetable Extract (water retaining molecules), White Oak Distillate, Full Spectrum Oil And Water Soluble Vitamin E (bio-extracted from sweet potatoes), ProSynamin™  (food sourced polyphenol antioxidants), Flavinaid™ (bio-extracted whole food skin-tightening peptide complexes), Gotu Kola, Horsetail, Vegetable Glycerin, Jojoba Oil, Grapefruit Extract, Horseradish Root, Phospholipids

1 fl. oz (30ml)

transformation Beauty 365 Vitamin C Serum is enhanced with whole food vitamin C co-factors extracted from fresh organic fruits, that increase the potency and effects of the Vitamin C over 500% . Immediately your skin gets tighter, lines and wrinkles smooth, sun damage and age spots
become less visible delivering better results the longer you use it.
Transformation Beauty 365 Vitamin C Serum Is The Most Effective Natural and Organic Vitamin C Serum on the market.
Here’s why.
Vitamin C is the main nutrient involved in collagen synthesis and the main anti-oxidant in your skin. You cannot produce collagen without it. Vitamin C levels in your skin start dropping in your late 20’s and continue to decline as you keep getting older. This results in sagging skin and sun damage. Scientific Studies prove that an effective Vitamin C serum used topically is 20 times more effective at raising the Vitamin C levels in the skin than the oral route. For Vitamin C to work topically it has to be dissolved in water
and this is wher the problem with Vitamin C Serums starts.
The L ascorbic acid starts reacting with the oxygen in the water and air and oxidises, losing it’s potency to raise the vitamin C levels in the skin. Some companies mix Vitamin C with Vitamin E and other anti-oxidants to slow this process down and it does extend the time of oxidation from a few days to a few weeks but for a commercial product that is still notgood enough.

We dissolve the L ascorbic acid ina whole food broth of fresh fruits, bio-extracted using our cutting-edge proprietary technology that eliminates the oxidation of L ascorbic acid. We then encapsulate this product with microscopic organic phospholipids that provides a barrier to the vitamin C reacting with oxygen. This unique process allows the vitamin C to penetrate the skin to a deeper level, providing you with superior Vitamin C benefits. An effective topical Vitamin C Serum is one of the best investments in
your skin, regardless of age. Here are the facts you should consider before purchasing any Vitamin C Serum.
Avoid buying any Vitamin C Serum that has any stabilised form of Vi- tamin C as its active ingredient (Magnesuim Ascorbyl Phosphate, Ascor-bate Phosphate, Ascorbyl Palmitate, Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate, Scorbyl Palmitate and there are others)-any name other than L ascorbic acid or Ascorbic Acid is a waste of money.

Here’s why.
Scientific studies show that these Vitamin C derivatives do not increase Vitamin C levels in the skin. The following is a Quote from a scientific study, [Topical L-Ascorbic Acid: Percutaneous Absorption Studies],–
“Derivatives of ascorbic acid including magnesium ascorbyl phosphate, ascorbyl-6-palmitate, and dehy-droascorbic acid did not increase skin levels of L-ascorbic acid.”
The reason these stabilised forms of vitamin C do not work topically is because vitamin C cannot work when it is attached to another molecule. Also look at the packaging. The biggest problem for vitamin C degradation is air and most vitamin C serums are in dropper bottles. Opening and
closing your container is not good. Vitamin C serums should always be in airtight dispensing containers.
Light oxidises Vitamin C and again most Vitamin C Serums are in amber glass bottles. Amber does filter out some light but not all. Black recyclable plastic is the best. Which is why we package ours in a black airtight serum pump dispensing container. The PH of any Vitamin C Serum is important. For it to be effective the PH has to be 3.5 or lower, ours is manufactured at 3.2 which is the most
optimal. You will not be disappointed with the results!
Transformation Beauty 365 Vitamin C Serum delivers more Vitamin C benefits to your skin faster and at less cost than any other Vitamin C Serum being sold

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