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有机阿甘果油薰衣草香型Argan Oil

Organic Argan Oil with Lavender

品牌: Les Joli
单价: 面议
起订: 面议
供货总量: 面议
浏览次数: 1524
公司基本资料信息[Company Info]
产品详细说明/Detailed product description

 滋养干燥受损秀发
 修复秀发,使秀发重新焕发光彩
 抚平毛躁
 保护秀发,使秀发更加闪亮
 促进秀发生长



Les Joli’s Organic Argan oil is liquid gold for your hair and has past been called this by beauty experts. Organic Argan Oil gives new life to dry, tangled and flyaway hair. Our superb blend of Argan oil hydrates the hair in a natural way. It stops the curliness and roughness of hair in an efficient way, penetrates into the hair pores or shafts and enhances the elasticity of hair. It also proves to be very nourishing for the growth of hair.

Product Description

Organic Argan oil is a rich, easily absorbed emollient, excellent and exceptionally rich in Vitamin E and essential fatty acids.
Les Joli’s Organic Argan Oil comes in a 100ml bottle and hand blended with Lavender Essential Oil for all your hair needs.
Lavender helps improve lustre and shine. Alopecia areata is a condition that causes the excessive loss of hair. Lavender oil is a natural enemy of this condition preventing the disease from destroying the hair while nurturing and protecting existing hair follicles and encouraging new follicles to grow.
Being a strong antiseptic, lavender disinfects the scalp. Not only can it treat dry skin and other scalp conditions, but fights fungi, bacteria and other harmful organisms as well for overall clean and healthy hair.
You will be so happy with this oil as an all in one hair conditioner treatment and nourisher that you won’t look back.
Our Argan Oil Hair Treatment 100ml
• Nourishes dry damaged hair
• Repairs and rejuvenates hair
• Smooth’s and eliminates frizz
• Gives protection & shine
• Increases hair growth rate
Direction for use
Massage oil into scalp and leave in for a minimum of 30 minutes before washing out. Les Joli’s Organic Argan Oil can also be used as a hair conditioner, hair and scalp moisturiser, heat protector and frizz eliminator.
Les Joli’s Organic Argan Oil hair therapy consists of 98% Virgin Organic Argan Oil and 2% Lavender Essential Oil!
Soil Associated Certified.

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