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克罗地亚火腿prosciutto (prsut)

prosciutto (prsut)

单价: 面议
起订: 面议
供货总量: 面议
浏览次数: 1133
公司基本资料信息[Company Info]
产品详细说明/Detailed product description
通常来说,火腿指的是猪的后腿或大腿,经过腌渍、风干直到所有的水分全部蒸发完毕而成(其名称prsut 主要来源于拉丁语的pro exsutus,意思是提取最精华的成分)。说起来很简单,但制作过程却常常要花费两年的时间,而根据腿的大小,甚至需要更久。制作过程中,要把火腿倒挂在室外,风不断吹拂,加快水分蒸发速度。因此,地理位置和气候条件可以很大程度上影响火腿的口感和风味。



Basically, it is a pig’s hind leg or thigh dried, salted and pressed until all the juices are extracted (the name prsut comes from the Latin pro exsutus - to extract). This might sound simple, but the whole process can actually take up to two years, depending on the size of the leg. At some point, the ham is hung upside down outside so that the fresh air can do its part in the drying process. As a result, the location and climate can greatly influence the taste of the meat.

Two regions along the Croatian coast are known for their prsut: Istria and Dalmatia. They are also known for a distinctive Croatian cure-all, but that’s another story.   As we have already stated, the climate of the area is very important for prsut preparation, so these regions hold special geographic licenses for prsut production. In other words, only the meat produced in Dalmatia or Istria will have the authentic prsut taste.

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