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伊斯特拉松露Istria truffles

Istria truffles

单价: 面议
起订: 面议
供货总量: 面议
浏览次数: 868
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产品详细说明/Detailed product description


Istria truffles have been extracted since ancient times, Roman Emperors and Austro-Hungarian aristocrats knew about them due to their outstanding taste and alleged aphrodisiac characteristics. Grey clay soil of central Istria and a mild climate without significant temperature oscillations provide ideal conditions for a very delicate fruit of Tuber Magnatum Pico, more famous as the white truffle, the biggest and the most respected of all truffles
Truffles have a delicate taste,  partly nutty, partly mushroomy, and are a highly prized delicacy among the foodie fraternity. They need to be used sparingly in cooking, either grated over a freshly cooked dish or used to give the defining flavour to a sauce.

There are 70 sorts of truffles in the world, of which 34 come from Europe. Istrian forests boast three sorts of black truffles as well as the big white truffle (one of the most prized in the world, at 5700 USD per kilo).
White truffle
Black truffle and oil
7898-0=White and black trufflesTruffle products 1Truffle products
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