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单价: 面议
起订: 面议
供货总量: 面议
浏览次数: 1235
公司基本资料信息[Company Info]
产品详细说明/Detailed product description
斯莫克维尼亚克糕点主要以圆球形或方块形出现。超级纯天然食品,含有60%无花果、葡萄干、杏仁、柠檬汁、迷迭香以及鼠尾草。 无花果四周包围着杏仁(核桃仁)、葡萄干、草药以及柠檬汁。将这些原材料混合在一起拌匀,然后放在阳光下曝晒10天,待水分自然蒸发。10天以后,将成品切割成型,打包,然后就可以直接食用了。


Smokvenjak comes either in the shape of fig balls, fig block / cake or salami. This is a completely natural super food product, containing only figs (60%), raisins, almonds, lemon juice, rosemary and sage.Figs are ground with almonds (or walnuts), raising, herbs and lemon juice. The mixture is then dried in the sun for 10 days, turning regularly. After 10 days the mixture is shaped and packaged, ready to eat.
Smokvenjak is pure natural energy, and recently used by the Croatian female expedition team in their quest to conquer Mount Everest. Extremely versatile, it can be used as a snack on its own, as a cooking ingredient (e.g. wrapped in a loin of pork with sage), to make canapes or starters with goat's cheese, Parma ham and melon, with foie gras or simply as an energy boost before the gym. This is a recipe dating back hundreds of years and a favourite of the Emperor Franz Josef during the Austro-Hungarian monarchy.
It is an ideal food thanks to its natural preservation and high nutritional value.


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