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老年人奶粉 Seniors Formula

Wise Foods Seniors milk powder

品牌: Wise Foods
单价: 面议
起订: 面议
供货总量: 面议
浏览次数: 1126
公司基本资料信息[Company Info]
产品详细说明/Detailed product description
储藏:由于Wise Foods老年人奶粉具有吸湿性,可能吸收异味。所以足够的保护是必不可少的。建议该产品存储在温度为25℃或低于25℃,相对湿度低于65%的没有异味的环境中。仓储货物应先进先出,最好在生产之日起 24 个月内使用。
Attribute: average reading per 100grams
Energy能量 1500Kj
Protein 蛋白质33.3g
Fat, total 脂肪0.8g
Carbohydrate 碳水化合物52.4g
Dietary Fibre 膳食纤维0.8g
Vitamin A 维他命A 3300 IU
Vitamin D3 维他命D 31200 IU
Vitamin E 维他命E 0.3mg
Vitamin K 维他命K 160mg
Vitamin C 维他命C 13mg
Riboflavin 维他命B2 1.6mg
Vitamin B12 维他命B12 2.9 ug
Sodium钠 340mg
Calcium 钙2400mg
Phosphorus 磷770mg
Magnesium 镁100mg
Zinc 锌3.5mg
Iodine 碘40 ug
Potassium 钾1200mg
Colour Pale Cream 颜色:淡黄色
Flavour Creamy 味道:奶油味,
Odour Clean 味道干净

Product Characteristics:
Excellent solubility, Good dispensability, Low fat content, Clean flavour
Skimmed Milk Solids, Minerals ( Calcium ), Soy Lecithin,
Vitamins A, C, D & K
Wise Foods Seniors milk powder is hygroscopic and can absorb odours. Therefore adequate protection is essential. It is recommended that the product is stored at or below 25 degrees C, with relative humidity below 65% and in an odour free environment. Stock should be used in rotation and preferably within 24 months of manufacture
This product is Kosher and Halal certified.
Strict quality control procedures are enforced during production. Manufacturing plant is accredited to the requirements of the Dairy Food Act, AQIS Export Control ( Milk and Milk Products ) Orders and British Retail Consortium ( BRC ) Global Food Standard. Samples are sent for chemical and microbiological testing by an independent laboratory.
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