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英国NaturalElements洗面凝胶Face Wash

Natural Elements Face Wash for All Skin Types

品牌: Natural Elements
单价: 面议
起订: 面议
供货总量: 面议
浏览次数: 1035
公司基本资料信息[Company Info]
产品详细说明/Detailed product description
200 毫升 (7.05盎司)

挤适量本品到湿的魔芋海绵或手上,轻轻按摩面部及颈部,去除污垢和彩妆,然后用清水冲洗干净。也可以适用于去除睫毛和眼部 难以清洗的化妆产品。
小提示:纤维素凝胶也被称为 “本世纪肌肤修复的最大创新”,也是一款100%自由基吸收产品。


200ml e (7.05oz)
Allergen & Fragrance free

A wonderful gentle cellulose based facial gel wash, which removes all ingrained dirt, neutralises free radicals, tightens the skin and removes heavy make-up (including eye make-up). We recommend you use as part of your daily routine and once a week with our Konjac sponge to exfoliate the skin.
Add a pump of the face wash to your wet Konjac sponge / hands and apply to the face & neck to remove dirt & make-up, rinse with clean water. May also be swept over the eyes to remove stubborn mascara and eye make-up.
Tip: cellulose gel was awarded the term ‘the biggest breakthrough in skin healing in centuries’ also a 100% free radical absorber

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