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土耳其祛痘面霜Acne Control Cream

Acne Control Cream

品牌: Phytocure
单价: 面议
起订: 面议
供货总量: 面议
浏览次数: 1642
公司基本资料信息[Company Info]
产品详细说明/Detailed product description
- 保持几分油脂和水分的平衡
- 有助于防止皮肤皮疹和脏物残留
- 提供营养元素,帮助肌肤恢复镇静,缓解刺痛和瘙痒


It is a daily care cream for acne prone skins. While it support to control lubrication at the skin, it also helps to calm rashes. By the strong effect formed from its ingredents Nordihydruguaiaretic Acid, Oleanoic acid, Tee Tree Leaf, Bellis Perennis(Daisy) Flower extract and Bisabolol it supports to remove effects that create acne, increase resistance of skin and compose a smooth look.

- contains active ingredients that effects in the skin has proved by clinical tests.
- support the fat and moisture balance at the skin.
- supports to remove causes that formed acne.
- helps to prevent rashes and stains that may occur at the skin.
- by its nutrious and relaxing effect it helps to reduce burns and itches.

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