英国草本护发素Elixir Conditioner

Elixir Conditioner

品牌: Les Joli
单价: 面议
起订: 面议
供货总量: 面议
浏览次数: 1027
公司基本资料信息[Company Info]
产品详细说明/Detailed product description


 干性
 受损
 弯曲
 开叉




Elixir conditioner is the perfect conditioner for use, leaving hair manageable, soft, silky and smooth.
Product Description
With over 90% natural herbs, oils and extracts packed into Elixir conditioner you will feel and see the effects this leaves on your hair’s condition, feel and shine. Elixir conditioner will nourish, fortify and revive your hair.
Our smooth, creamy conditioner starts by providing your hair fibres with the essential oils and vitamins it craves. Our conditioner has a high dose of Vitamin E which has been shown to help with the growth of hair as well as preventing hair loss, whilst eliminating any frizz.
The Argan oil embedded in this conditioner will penetrate deep into your hair shaft filling it with the moisture, as your hair fibre swells slightly after getting wet.
The mono unsaturated fatty acid content in avocado oil will help improve hair quality if it is –
• Dry
• Damaged
• Frizzy
• Split ends
The herbs and oils found in this conditioner have been carefully researched. Massaging our Elixir conditioner into your scalp also stimulates blood flow to your hair follicles. With improved blood flow and circulation to the scalp, more nutrients can reach the follicles to stimulate new growth and healthier hair in general.
Direction for use
Massage our Elixir conditioner into your scalp covering hair from root to tip. Leave in for approx. 2 minutes and rinse out well. Use Elixir Hair Oil for maximum benefit.

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