英国草本护发精油Elixir Hair Oil

Elixir Hair Oil

品牌: Les Joli
单价: 面议
起订: 面议
供货总量: 面议
浏览次数: 2203
公司基本资料信息[Company Info]
产品详细说明/Detailed product description


 促进头发生长
 强健发质
 头发更加飘逸、柔顺、闪亮
 容易打理
 保护头发不受环境或热力伤害
 重建发质健康,恢复秀发弹性
 防止掉发开叉




Elixir Hair Oil is made from natural and organic ingredients including Organic Argan Oil, Hibiscus, Fenurgreek, Lavender and Aloe Vera to name a few. Packed with ingredients proven to improve hair quality, strength, growth rate and appearance, this hair oil is one to look out for.

Product Description

Elixir hair Oil includes ingredients that out preform Minoxidil in clinical trials and research!
Our new revolutionary Oil is a rich, light weight, easily absorbed hair growth and hair replenishment oil. Made from organic and natural products infused with ayurvedic extracts, Elixir Hair Oil works on all hair types.
Elixir Hair Oil eliminates frizz while increasing shine and nourishes hair follicles to increase healthy hair growth. Elixir Hair Oil is designed to be used as a pre-shampoo treatment, before blow drying or using hot appliances to protect the hair and as a conditioning treatment.
• Increase faster hair growth.
• Promotes strong healthy hair.
• Longer, fuller, softer, enriched and controlled hair.
• Shinier more manageable hair.
• Protects hair from harsh environments and heat appliances.
• Restores hair’s strength, shine and elasticity
• Prevents breakage.

Direction for use
Massage oil into scalp and leave in for a minimum of 30 minutes before washing out with our Elixir Shampoo. Les Joli’s Elixir Hair Oil can also be used as a hair conditioner, hair and scalp moisturiser, heat protector and frizz eliminator.

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