英国草本洗发水 Elixir Shampoo

Elixir Shampoo

品牌: Les Joli
单价: 面议
起订: 面议
供货总量: 面议
浏览次数: 1244
公司基本资料信息[Company Info]
产品详细说明/Detailed product description






All herbs and oils used in our shampoo have been thoroughly researched and tested to bring you a shampoo exploding in properties your hair craves.

Product Description
Elixir shampoo is lovingly infused with organic ingredients for use on all hair types. This golden liquid Rejuvenates and revitalises all hair types, giving even chemically-damaged hair a dramatically youthful, luscious, look, touch and radiance from the first application.
Hibiscus has been used for the hair for centuries, the special breed of flower we use in our Elixir shampoo prevents hair loss, premature greying and promotes hair growth. It makes hair smooth, shiny, and bouncy. Shikakai is rich in vitamins such as vitamin C, vitamin D and other micro nutrients and nourishes the hair follicles to promote hair growth. Additionally, being a mild cleanser, it doesn’t strip the scalp of its natural oils.
Elixir shampoo is an all-natural herbal infused shampoo that your hair will crave, whilst massaging this shampoo into your scalp our active ingredients, herbs and oils start buy gently cleansing and nourishing each hair fibre to leave you with soft, beautiful hair.
• No Parabens
• SLS Free
• Organic
• Natural
Direction for use
A small amount of this golden elixir goes a long way! All you need is a small squeeze of this herbal shampoo and gently massage into wet hair while working into a lather. Rinse well and condition with our Elixir Conditioner.

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