土耳其PEDO Plus婴儿尿不湿/双包 DIAPER


品牌: PEDO
单价: 面议
起订: 面议
供货总量: 面议
浏览次数: 1493
公司基本资料信息[Company Info]
产品详细说明/Detailed product description
土耳其PEDO Plus




商品编码 描述 包装 片/每包 包 / 每箱 净重 毛重 体积/每包
55000 使用于新生儿  双包 42 5 4.72 5,00 0.0425
55001 MINI 使用于( 3-6Kg ) 双包 40 5 4.72 5,00 0.0425
55002 MIDI 使用于( 4-9Kg ) 双包 34 5 4.35 4,50 0.0395
55003 MAXI 使用于( 7-18Kg) 双包 30 5 4.74 5,00 0.0394
55004 MAXI + 使用于( 9-20Kg ) 双包 26 5 4.25 4,50 0.0353
55005 JUNIOR 使用于( 11-25Kg ) 双包 20 5 3.30 3,50 0.0246



自2010年以来, 作为土耳其RCP 集团婴儿尿布品牌PEDO处于行业的领先地位。管理人员通过采用最新的科技使得所有PEDO的产品更新升级为最经济和质量最佳的产品。PEDO在土耳其萨姆松一直享有国家品牌的荣誉。

Soft silky tissue of PEDO immediately absorbs the liquid and keeps inside. So, baby’s skin stays dry all time. Thanks to the special green layer prevents the liquid to gather at one side, spreads over equally and allows babies to move comfortably day & night. PEDO’s anatomical shape, textile outer surface and elastic velcro side bands grabs your delicate baby kindly while the side barriers prevent leakage.

Since 2010, PEDO is the leading baby diaper brand at economical segment, has been included in RCP Group. Administrative staff updates all PEDO products as the most economical and qualified with the latest technology. PEDO has been enjoying the honor of being national brand of Samsun and aiming to lead in its sector.
Small pack, eco pack, twin pack and jumbo pack are the various packing options of PEDO. In addition, PEDO has mini, midi, maxi and junior alternatives.

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