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俄罗斯纯天然阿尔泰高山蜂蜜 honey

Natural honey

品牌: Honey (Altai)
单价: 面议
起订: 面议
供货总量: 面议
浏览次数: 4393
公司基本资料信息[Company Info]
产品详细说明/Detailed product description

无任何添加剂 营养丰富

OF04-1 Natural Sweet clover honey 草木犀蜂蜜 (1升) 没分包 27 24个月

OF04-2 Natural Angelica honey 蘼芜蜂蜜 (1升)没分包 27 24个月

OF04-3 Motley Grass honey 野花蜜 (1升)没分包 27 24个月

OF04-4 Buckwheat honey 荞麦蜂蜜 (1升)没分包 27 24个月

规格: 塑料透明盒包装  (一个盒子-35公斤) ; 玻璃瓶又分为1公斤。


此款蜂蜜采自俄罗斯著名的阿尔泰高山上,蜜的营养价值高,包装精美,材料健康,是赠送亲朋好友的首选佳品。常年服用蜂蜜 ,会有您意想不到的疗效 :护肤美容 ,抗菌消炎、促进组织再生,促进消化,提高免疫力,促进长寿, 等等。

走过路过的朋友,千万不要错过 。试过的朋友都说物超所值 ,欢迎前来选购!

1. 备注Remark: EXW 巴尔瑙尔 ( Barnaul)




Honey is the Altay natural nutritive honey from Russia without any additives.
Volume :  honey in bulk – 35 kg in the box, prepackaged honey  -1kg. Greenfoods company offers natural mountain honey facilitating to longevity and healthy lifestyle. It is generally known that Russia has broad lands and is rich with natural resources, it has incomparable  natural conditions.  Our bee-gardens are located in ecologically clean areas. Natural honey without any admixtures is incomparable by its properties.  The given honey was collected in the Altay mountains and has special nutritive properties, but no matter how long we speak about the product it is better to taste it.  Everybody who tasted the honey appreciated it high-quality.  The given honey is an excellent choice as a gift. Natural honey without any admixtures in the original package will be an excellent gift for any occasion.  Make your choice now just in order not to regret later!
Honey also has some curative properties. Honey consumption is useful in case of hypertension, eye diseases and disturbances of the nervous system.
For preventive treatment of disease you have to eat honey every day.
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