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土耳其钙加维生素片Calcium Vitamin

Calcium Vitamin

品牌: Drooc
单价: 面议
起订: 面议
供货总量: 面议
浏览次数: 1091
公司基本资料信息[Company Info]
产品详细说明/Detailed product description
碳酸钙 600毫克
维生素D(骨化醇) 10微克


维生素D是一种脂溶性维生素,是骨骼健康所必须的物质。它可以控制肠胃对钙质的吸收,并用于骨骼生长。维生素D摄入不足的话, 儿童易患骨矿化和儿童佝偻病,成年人则容易患软骨病, 老年人则容易患骨质疏松症。这些病症都会导致骨骼疼痛以及生长畸形。


Calcium carbonate 600 mg 
Vitamin D (Kalsiferol) 10 mcg

Osteoporosis is a disease that risk of bone loss and fracture increases. It is an important health problem especially for elderly individuals. As a result of increased loss of calcium in bones, bones become easily breakable. Osteoporosis affects the entire skeleton and fractures usually occur in wrist, spine and hip bone Consumption of calcium and vitamin D is required for healthy bone structure and prevention of osteoporosis. Sufficient intake of calcium is not only important for bone health but also for fulfillment of some other functions such as (muscle movements, heart rate, normal blood plotting).
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin and necessary for bone health. It controls intestinal calcium absorption and use for bone formation. At the result of insufficiency of vitamin D, bone mineralization is impaired and rickets in children with growing age, osteomalacia in adults, osteoporosis in future years occur. This situation causes bone pains and deformity.

Calcium supplement is mostly needed during and after the periods of adolescence, pregnancy, lactation and menopause.

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