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土耳其牛奶蓟片Milk Thistle Plus

Milk Thistle Plus

品牌: Drooc
单价: 面议
起订: 面议
供货总量: 面议
浏览次数: 865
公司基本资料信息[Company Info]
产品详细说明/Detailed product description
30% 牛奶蓟提取物(Silybum arianum) 362毫克
洋蓟叶提取物(Cynara cardunculus) 351毫克
蒲公英根提取物(Taraxacum offcinale)330毫克





30% Thistle Extract (Silybum arianum) 362 mg
Artichoke leaf extract (Cynara cardunculus) 351 mg
Dandelion Root Extract (Taraxacum offcinale) 330 mg
Grape Seed Extract ( Vitis vinifera) 130 mg
Silybum marianum (Thistle) extract, silymarine is a compound that contains silybin, silychristin and silydianin as main components. Silymarine has very positive effect on treatment of cirrhosis that occurs by toxic effects of chemicals or viruses for chronic use of alcohol. It helps to protect liver and provide therapeutic efficacy by inhibiting access of toxins to liver and toxins connected out of cell membrane of liver. Silymarine affects by increasing ribosomal protein synthesis and liver’s ability to renew itself.
Artichoke leaf extract is used for renewal of liver cells of which function decreases by effects such as drug use, smoking, alcohol, as a liver protective and treatment of liver failure. Artichoke preparations are used very extensively for problems of bloating and indigestion. Artichoke leaf extract provides proper functioning of gall bladder by increasing bile production of liver and decreases amounts of cholesterol, LDL and triglyceride by helping digestion.
Dandelion root and extract is used for problems of liver and gall bladder. It helps digestion with its diuretic effect while making detox.
Grape seed extract has a wide range of pharmacological activity with its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, cardio protective, hepatoprotective, neuroprotective effects. Besides cardiovascular protective and chemopreventive effects of the other phytochemicals with proantocianidins found in grape seed, it is shown that grape has effective compositions on Alzheimer disease. with many clinical investigations of grape, it is examined with the that thrombocyt aggregation is decreased, endothelial functions are recovered, blood pressure is decreased and level of atheroscleorotic and athereotrombotic risk markers is got better.

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