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土耳其复方生物素维生素H片Biotin Complex

Biotin Complex

品牌: Drooc
单价: 面议
起订: 面议
供货总量: 面议
浏览次数: 1352
公司基本资料信息[Company Info]
产品详细说明/Detailed product description
维生素B5(Pentotenik ASIT)123毫克
锌 8,7毫克


36% Horsetail Extract( Equisetum arvense) 274 mg
MSM (Methyl Sulfonly Methane ) 137 mg
Vitamin B5 (Pentotenik asit ) 123 mg
Vitamin B1 ( Tiamin) 78 mg
Zinc 8,7 mg
Vitamin B6 (Piridoksin) 6,8 mg
Biotin 2,7 mg
Folic Acid 137 mcg
With the correct care and supports, you can prevent hair loss that is one of the biggest problems of everybody.
Equisetum arvense known as marsh horsetail and it is a good resource of silica. Silica makes hair follicle brighter and voluminous by empowering it.
MSM is a composition containing sulfur that is found in living organism and it contains sulfur for collagen and keratin. It is a substance that is required for healthy hair, skin and nail. it is especially for hair follicle and it provides formation of the keratin protein.
Hair growing slows down and heavy hair loss is seen in case of the deficiency of zinc.
Zinc is an important mineral that is found in lots of enzymes. When zinc is used with the B6, it prevents the transformation of the testosterone to DHT by blocking the 5 alpha-reductase enzyme. It prevents especially the hair loss of man , makes the hair brighter and supports the regrowing of hair.
One of the most important reasons of hair loss is the deficiency of vitamin and mineral. Vitamin B1, B5, B6, biotin and folic acid are allowed because of the fact that they foster, strength the hair follicle and prevents hair loss.

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