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德国Milasan奶粉1段800克 Milk powder

Milasan Milk powder 1

品牌: Milasan
单价: 面议
起订: 面议
供货总量: 面议
浏览次数: 701
公司基本资料信息[Company Info]
产品详细说明/Detailed product description
德国唯一一家获准的雀巢生产商,并同时获得出口到中国的中国国家质检总局(AQSIQ)的批准。我们只销售德国雀巢公司旗下的Milasan品牌,根据中国质检分析报告, Milasan “Pre”“1”“2”“3”获准进入中国。

Milasan Pre符合中国要求包装,1-6个月婴儿奶粉600克。
Milasan 1/2/3符合中国要求包装,6-18个月婴儿奶粉800克。 (由中国进出口网整理翻译)

The only approved storage plant in Germany with export authorization by AQSIQ rule China. We only sell the Nestle German sub.Marke „Milasan“, according to Chinese rule analysis is Milasan pre and 1 admit.
The packaging there are generally only in German, but IAS work by AQSIQ provision, the wrap around in Chinese, so that the product meets the most stringent requirements. In the English language is labeled.
Price FOB Hamburg, Germany

Milasan In Chinese packaging 600gram 0-6 months, according to regulations,
Milasan 1/2/3 from 6 – 18 month 800gram, in Chinese packaging according to regulations.


Milasan Beba
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