1.天然白桦茸:大小4 - 6厘米。包装-聚丙烯袋和盒子(15公斤/袋)。湿度< 14%。络合显色> 15%。CIF 5 - 9美元/公斤,价格依量和交付方式而定。最小起订量-500公斤。
2.白桦茸提取精粉:完全溶于水。包装-50g罐装,密封带勺。络合显色> 53%。CIF 8,5 - 9美元/每罐,价格依量和交付方式而定。起订量100公斤/ 2000罐。
3.白桦茸茶包。20袋/盒(2 gХ20)。每盒3-4美元的价格,价格依量和交付方式而定。起订量- 2500盒。

chaga products have unique healing properties: powerful antioxidant, improves immune system, anti inflammatory effect, reduces risk of cancer, slows down aging and so on.
We supply:
1.Chaga mushrooms: 4-6 centimeters pieces (custom sizing is available). Packaging- polypropylene bags and boxes (15kg per bag). Humidity < 14%. Chromogenic complex > 15%. CIF 5-9$/kg, depends on volume and delivery method. MOQ – 500kg.
2. Chaga extract. Completely soluble in water. Packaging - 50g cans, sealed, with spoons. Chromogenic complex > 53%. CIF 8,5-98$/can, depends on volume. MOQ – 100kg/2000 cans.
3. Chaga tea in filter bags with herbal additives. 20 filter bags per box (2gХ20). CIF 3-4$ per package, depends on volume. MOQ - 2500 boxes.
We can adjust the design and composition of products in accordance with the requirements of your market. We can change language on package to Chinese or Russian if needed.
Also we offer Altai herbs' extracts, honey and other natural products of Siberia.