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活力卡布奇诺/拿铁/无糖咖啡 Liven Coffee

Liven Coffee Cappuccino / Latte / Sugar-Free

单价: 面议
起订: 面议
供货总量: 面议
浏览次数: 1640
公司基本资料信息[Company Info]
产品详细说明/Detailed product description

1. 降低胆固醇水平
2. 防止心脏疾病和并发症
3. 有助于预防癌症
4. 控制高血压
5. 防止退化性疾病,例如关节炎和风湿病
6. 降低II型糖尿病患病风险
7. 可预防帕金森氏症
8. 增强免疫系统
9. 排毒养颜
10. 弥补吸烟和大量饮酒的伤害
11. 提高性能力
12. 肌肤焕然新生
13. 提高运动性能和耐力
14. 提高注意力
15. 减少疲劳
16. 提高警觉
17. 提高精子活力
18. 缓解头痛
19. 促进血液循环和细胞再生

The World’s First Alkaline Coffee-Ceuticals with lots of health benefits coming from 16,000 phytonutrients from 131 natural ingredients!
Liven Alkaline Coffee is high quality and highly regarded for its distinct taste and aroma because it is made of the finest class of Arabica Coffee beans, and fortified with the Complete Phyto- Energizer!

Your Benefits
• Lowers cholesterol level
• Protects against heart disease and complications
• Helps prevent cancer of any origin
• Controls high-blood pressure
• Prevents degenerative diseases such a Arthritis and Rheumatism
• Reduces the risk of developing Type II Diabetes
• Prevents Parkinson’s Disease
• Enhances, nourishes, strengthens and balances the Immune System
• Detoxifies the Body
• Offset damage of smoking and heavy alcohol intake
• Enhances sexual vitality
• Rejuvenates the skin
• Improves performance and endurance during exercise
• Enhances concentration
• Reduces fatigue
• Heightens alertness
• Increases sperm motility
• Relieves headache
• Promotes healthy blood circulation and cell regeneration

温馨提示:本页[活力卡布奇诺/拿铁/无糖咖啡 Liven Coffee]信息由[菲律宾艾连思国际公司]提供,该企业负责信息内容的真实性、准确性和合法性。进出口网对此不承担任何保证连带责任。建议双方交易时采用安全的方式,以保证双方利益。

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