FlipCase站立式笔记本电脑包 FlipCase

FlipCase for Laptops

单价: 面议
起订: 面议
供货总量: 面议
浏览次数: 3650
公司基本资料信息[Company Info]
产品详细说明/Detailed product description
FlipCase笔记本电脑包有三种规格。迷你型,用于11.6" MacBook或上网本(netbooks),超级型,用于13.4-14"超级笔记本电脑,MacBook笔记本,或其他笔记本电脑,标准型,用于15.6"笔记本电脑。




laptop collage female

FlipCase for Laptops comes in three sizes. The Mini is for 11.6" MacBooks or netbooks, the Ultra is for 13.4-14" Ultrabooks, MacBooks, or other laptops, and the Standard is for 15.6" laptops.

The case is made with durable nylon material and is lightweight. There is a slip pocket on the outside of the case for organized storage of pens, cards, and cell phones. The gusseted storage pocket on the opposite side will carry paperwork and power cords. On the back of the case is a luggage strap to secure around your carry-on.

Your laptop will sit inside the case secured by four corner straps. There is full access to ports and drives. The shoulder strap has a non-slip, curved pad for extra comfort.

Check out the video below to see how it works...

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