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俄罗斯天然次石墨/作物肥料级 Shungite


单价: 面议
起订: 面议
供货总量: 面议
原产地: 东欧 - 俄罗斯
浏览次数: 1915
公司基本资料信息[Company Info]
产品详细说明/Detailed product description


在外观上,shungite类似于常规煤,具有复杂的化学成分。由硅酸盐非晶矩阵和两个碳元素(地球上生命的基础)组成 。该矿物质含有富勒烯 - 碳以空心球离子的形式存在,研究人员对于这种物质的应用前景寄予厚望。

Shungite - 是世界上唯一的含富勒烯的天然矿物。这也解释了它的药用价值。它有助于保持青春,美丽,活力。它可以保护我们免受有害环境因素的影响。

此外,shungite的化学结构也是独一无二的。这种矿物的组成和结构很好的诠释了它们的有益特性。 shungite的主要成分 - C60。其在岩石中含量可高达99%。除了碳组合物还包括无机二氧化硅(57.0%),二氧化钛(0,2​​%),氧化铝(4,0%),氧化铁(2,5%),氧化镁(1.2%),氧化钾(1 ,5%),硫(1,2%)。

矿产Shungite还具有一种独特性能 - 吸附,催化,杀菌性能,生物活性,以吸收抵消高频率的电磁辐射的能力。



Mineral Shungite - is a natural mineral, amazing in its composition and structure of the rock, with the unique conditions of education. It has healing properties, which have been known to our ancestors - Slavs. The world's only field shungite is in Karelia. Age shungit more than 2 billion years.

In appearance similar to a conventional shungit coal, thus, it has a complex chemical composition. It consists of an amorphous matrix of silicate, based on - carbon and carbon, the foundation of life on earth. Relatively recently opened a new, previously unknown form of existence of carbon, in the form of a hollow spherical ion - fullerenes, which doctors have high hopes.

Shungite - the world's only natural mineral containing fullerenes. This explains its medicinal properties. It helps to keep youth, beauty, freshness. It protects us from harmful environmental factors.

In addition, the shungite is unique in its composition. This mineral composition and structure of the scientists explain their beneficial properties. The main component of shungite - carbon C60. Its content in the rock can be up to 99%. Besides carbon composition also includes mineral SiO2 (57,0%), TiO2 (0,2%), Al2O3 (4,0%), FeO (2,5%), MgO (1,2%), K2O (1 , 5%), S (1,2%).

Mineral Shungite has unique properties. The breed has a sorption, catalytic, bactericidal properties, biological activity, the ability to absorb and neutralize electromagnetic radiation of high frequencies.

Mineral schungite, grain size 0-5 mm, packed in bags of 40 kg, is used as fertilizer for crops.
Mineral schungite, grain size 0-10 mm, packed in bags of 40 kg, is used as fertilizer for potato and vegetable crops.
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