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哥伦比亚焦煤 coke coal

coke coal

单价: 面议
起订: 面议
供货总量: 面议
浏览次数: 1762
公司基本资料信息[Company Info]
产品详细说明/Detailed product description


1. Details of Mining Companies and Coal Mines and plant he cooking coke

vType of mining:  Sub-terrain Colombian mines. Owen solera 

vTransport:  Truck directly to port.


2. Specifications of coke

*Analysis shall be made in accordance with ASTM standards





12.7% max

Above (sobre) 13%

Fixed Carbon

86% min

Below (abajo) 85%


5% max



0,8% Máx

Above 0.9%

Volatil Matter

1.5 % Max.

Above 1,80%


0,03% Max.

Above 0.035%







Micum  40

78 -80


Micum 10





3. Quantity available and frequency for delivery    

Coke   one shipment every 30 days of 10.000 tons, (+/- 10% at vessels owner option). Starting 30/45 days after L/C is operative based on a contract of quantity mutually agreed between seller and buyer.  In bulk

4. Quality determination

By  S.G.S.

5. Weight determination

The weight of the shipment shall be determined to the nearest ton at the loading port, by a Survey of Vessel's draft and conducted by S.G.S. The Certificate of Weight provided by the Licensed Marine Surveyor shall be conclusive and final. Weights based on Railroad weighing or Certified Terminal Weigh Scales shall also be acceptable.  All expense of such weighing shall be paid by Seller.

6. Loading Port

The loading port is Buenaventura, Colombia.

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