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Want Job Will Travel

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       Here are five approaches that governments can use to help young people use migration to access jobs and develop skills。

While young people leave their country of birth for many different reasons, in many developing countries one of the key drivers for migration is a lack of decent work. Roughly 27 million young people leave their homelands to find employment abroad each year.

 Does this trend suggest that migration may be a sustainable solution to the problem that 

 60% of young people in developing regions are unemployed, not studying, or engaged in informal employment。


 According to a number of heads of state and policymakers, the answer is yes. The government of Malawi is a case in point. In 2013 they struck deals with a number of countries to "export" its youth labour in an attempt to create new employment opportunities.

 Of course, many migration experiences are far from smooth or positive. However, there are five approaches that governments can take to help young people use migration as an effective means of accessing job opportunities and developing their professional skills.

Create networks

         Young migrants often lack access to trusted social support and professional networks. We need to work to create virtual communities that connect newly arrived migrants with those who can offer assistance in the form of advice, skills-training and mentorship in the destination country or society. Even before migrants leave they can use these networks to access important information about employment opportunities. Creating these social networks can help facilitate social and economic integration for young people in both destination countries and when they return home to origin countries.

Equip young migrants with the right skills

       Even in countries wher the labour market is more buoyant, gaining employment is still competitive. Before young people migrate for work, they should be equipped with relevant education and life skills training. Appropriate education is key, but this could include also information about the job opportunities and navigating the culture in the country they are planning to move to. Preparation will assist them in taking advantage of employment opportunities in their destination country or society.



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