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Animal Hackers:War Kitteh Sniffs out Insecure WiFi Networks

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 动物和技术的交叉点是一个有关在YouTube上的猫的视频和柴犬笑话。这一年的在拉斯维加斯的核战危机骑马大会显示了两个项目,这两个项目将宠物和电脑安全混合起来。战争猫咪和服务犬项目都是Gene Bransfield的工作,从坚韧的解决方案,以及有关的将天线和迷你电脑和一个朋友的猫以及另一个朋友的狗联系起来。




The intersection of animals and technology is about more than cat videos on YouTube and the Doge meme. This year’s Def Con hacking convention in Las Vegas showcased a pair of projects mixing pets with computer security.

War Kitteh and Denial of Service Dog were both the work of Gene Bransfield, from Tenacity Solutions, and involved attaching antennae and mini-computers to one friend’s cat and another’s dog.

For War Kitteh, Bransfield packed the kit onto the animal’s collar, including a Spark Core Wi-Fi development board running the Spark.io operating system, which gave the cat the connectivity it required. Its location was tracked using GPS technology, with data stored on an SD memory card.

What data? The point of the project was for War Kitteh to roam the streets, detecting Wi-Fi networks that were either unprotected, or using weak weak encryption algorithms like WEP.

On one wander, the cat picked up 23 unique Wi-Fi hotspots, four of which were completely open with no password required to log on, and another four using WEP rather than the more-secure WPA-2 standard.

Bransfield told the Guardian that the project was intended to spark awareness about why people should take more care securing their Wi-Fi networks, in the hope that involving cats in the debate will make less tech-savvy people pay attention.


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