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India's Economy Overtaking China’s in around Three Years?

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核心提示:印度在就任刚满百日的印度总理纳伦德拉•莫迪(Narendra Modi)领导下,开始重新焕发活力。
印度在就任刚满百日的印度总理纳伦德拉•莫迪(Narendra Modi)领导下,开始重新焕发活力。


印度最大资产管理公司HDFC共同基金的主管普拉尚特•贾殷(Prashant Jain)表示,印度在几年后就将超越中国,成为全世界增长速度最快的大型发展中经济体。


本次反弹更应该归功于一年前上任的印度央行(Reserve Bank of India)行长拉古拉姆•拉詹(Raghuram Rajan),他采取措施抑制通胀,帮助重振商界信心。



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India's Economy Overtaking China’s in around Three Years?

India became resurgent under the leadership of Narendra Modi, Indian Prime Minister, just taking office for one hundred days.

Given China's economic growth has slowed to 7%, it no longer seems absurd that India’s economic growth will surpass China’s.

Prashant Jain, the manager of India's largest asset management company HDFC Mutual Fund said, India will overtake China in the next few years, to become the world's fastest growing major developing economies.

Ironically, there is little relationship between Modi and the Indian economy rebound, or even there is no relationship.

The rebound should be attributed to Raghuram Rajan who is the governor of the Reserve Bank of India and took office one year ago. he took measures to curb inflation and help revive business confidence.

However, India’s overall confidence return thanks to Modi. His won an overwhelming majority of support in May and was elected prime minister. Resorting to his clear objectives, unambiguous style and support-for-corporate reputation, Modi improves market confidence.

Nevertheless, people still have good reasons for India's sudden surge to remain vigilant. Economists warns that in order to reach more stringent fiscal deficit goal, Modi will have to further cut public spending. Therefore, in the next few quarters, the Indian economy is likely to fall again.

People become more cautious when comparing India with China, but predicted that India's growth rate will gradually be closer to China. Previously, people had claimed that India's economic model will be proved more advanced than China’s, thanks to a younger demographic in India, India's democratic institutions, as well as English pervasiveness. These predictions proved so outrageous that there are not many people repeating.


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